Whether it’s rain or shine, join us at the brand new indoor and outdoor dog park and lounge called House of Ruff! The House of Ruff has a wonderful lounge with a large screen TV, beer, cider, snacks, tacos and more! The dog park has a large space inside and an outdoor space with a little doggie pool too! They also have a doggie wash station too!
House of Ruff is offering BarkHappy members an awesome deal of 50% off your first-time membership fee (value of $25) which includes your meet and greet (quick behavioral assessment to make sure all the dogs will get along) and admission to the park, all for $12.50!
In addition, your first appetizer is on us! Enjoy Sunrise Tacos, or chips, or a salad, or any other appetizer on BarkHappy! 🙂
You’re getting half off your entrance fee and a free appetizer!
Join us for an awesome afternoon of drinks, food and dogs!
Important: You will need to show proof of vaccinations. They can be emailed ahead of time to houseofruff@gmail.com or you can bring them on the day of our event, or you can list your vet on the membership registration form and House of Ruff will confirm it for you! In addition, if you’d like to save time, you will need to fill out a membership registration form, which can be found here: http://www.houseofruff.com/uploads/3/8/4/0/38403655/memberregister.doc.pdf
Please bring this form with you or you can fill it out when you arrive on Sunday!